Rydym yn defnyddio cwcis

Rydym yn defnyddio cwcis i wella’ch profiad ar y wefan hon.

Gallwch dderbyn ein polisi cwcis neu addasu’ch dewisiadau.

Cyfeiriwch at ein Polisi Cwcis am ragor o wybodaeth.

Rheoli gosodiadau cwcis


Math o asedau image
Estyniad asedau JPG
Maint y ffeil 2.89 MB
Dimensiynau 3184×1902px
ID 8808


Trwydded Royalty free Royalty free use worldwide in paid or unpaid media, provided any use benefits Welsh Government
Diwedd Dim dyddiad dod i ben
Ychwanegwyd am
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Defnydd Permission has been granted for use of image/s by any identifiable people featured. There are no restrictions on the use of image/s of the locations featured. The following acknowledgement/credit line needs to be included alongside the image/s for when they are published digitally; Karen Wilans. There are no other restrictions for the image/s. Permission has been granted to use in the following activities; Websites, Social Media, Marketing Campaigns and Printed Materials.
Geirdarddiad ychwanegol: A35228303
